Your audience and listeners will learn how to optimize performance AND support a healthy body along the way. Topics of popular talks include:
GUT Health for the Athlete – athletes want to know why they have issues with their gut, how can they determine what’s causing their GI discomfort or symptoms daily, in training or on competition day. And, what steps can they take if they’ve tried so many things already, but still don’t have answers. We cover all of that and more.
The Risks of Nutrient Deficiencies in Athletes. Signs and symptoms of nutrient deficiency. Learn why the most common treatments fall short and take a different perspective for overcoming nutrient deficiencies.
Strategies for a Healthy and Strong Athlete: covering the basics of recovery, sleep, hydration, and how to dial in nutrition and fueling specifically for each unique athlete. Also, we cover how to use easy to order labs to optimize health and performance, and when is the right time to use supplements (and when they can work against you).
This talk is for you, your boss, your daughter, your coach, your partner, your summit – anyone who works with athletes, competes in sports, trains, is an athlete, runner, or fitness enthusiast.