
Berry Green Smoothie

A great day starts with great nutrition. Smoothies like this one help add in nutrient dense foods that will give you energy and make you feel ready to tackle whatever your day has in store. Berry Green Smoothie Berries, Greens and a little avocado and cinnamon make...

Quick and Easy Kale Chips

Kale chips never last long in our house. We love crunchy foods and we love nutrient dense foods. These are so quick and easy to whip up any time! Quick and Easy Kale Chips Super quick, easy and crispy Kale Chips. Try them multiple ways and season according to what...

How To Roast The Perfect Chicken

One of the best meals is a truly pasture raised chicken that is juicy and packed with flavor. One Pan, Simple Roast Chicken An easy, one pan, simple roast chicken with lemon, rosemary and garlic. 1 Whole Chicken 5-6 Gold Potatoes 3 Medium Carrots – peeled and cut into...